Sunday, November 11, 2007


He who wants to win the world for Christ must have the courage to come in conflict with it.” -Titus Brandsma

In these challenging times, “Let justice roll down like the waters of righteousness like an overflowing stream.”(Amos 5:24)

The whole family of the Order of Carmelites shares a common vision with the Christian churches in the Philippines and around the world in building a society where God’s justice, peace and love reign. The preservation of human dignity is our primary concern. We denounce any form of measures that would imperil the gift of freedom, the defense for human rights, and nurture life to its fullness. We deplore the promotion of security that would only mean the curtailment of the basic freedoms bestowed upon people.

The increasing number of extra-judicial killings, tortures and enforced disappearances and all forms of human right violations has been of a great concern to us. These violations are insult and affront to human community. It has to be condemned at all times and must be addressed by faith communities. Tyranny has no reason to rule as it contradicts all means to nurture life.

We are even more alarmed that the Anti-Terrorism Law disguised as Human Security Act (HSA) has started its implementation. For us, the law would be another instrument to curtail our quest for genuine freedom, peace and justice. Though the government claims that the law is designed to protect the people, but the provisions tell otherwise. We cast our doubt whether the HSA will truly protect the rights of the people to speak out for truth.

As we are witnesses to the people’s cries, we raise with certainty that:

HSA will never protect the urban poor who are fighting for survival and resisting demolition.

HSA will never protect the farmers who are advocating and crying out for genuine agrarian reform.

HSA will never protect the workers’ right to demand for just wage.

HSA will never protect the indigenous people as they defend their ancestral lands.

We call on our fellow believers to remain steadfast to our faith and carry forward the mission of proclaiming truth, justice and peace in our land. Let us not give up, and let us not allow our faith to be an instrument of state’s terror.

The call of Moses to lead his people and Elijah against the God of Baal is also our call of the present time. We live in a world full of injustice and disquiet. It is our duty to contribute to the search for an understanding of the causes of evils (Carmelite Constitutions 111)” It is also our task as religious people to be in solidarity with our people for their search for genuine freedom, peace and equality, the true essence of democracy. It is here where the true sense of faith is grounded.

Defend Human Rights!

Junk the Human Security Act!

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