Sunday, November 11, 2007

Churchpeople reflect on the real state of the nation

“The true State of the Nation is here,” this was how Bro. Salvic Pajarillo, a Carmelite novice described the atmosphere at Commonwealth Avenue in Quezon City as priests, pastors, deaconesses, religious sisters, seminarians and lay people joined workers, farmers and urban poor groups in a peaceful protest during President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s State of the Nation Address on July 26, 2007.

The Carmelite family, including student friars, priests and formators mingled with the sectors and listened to the people’s stories about how they cope during these hard times. As testimonies on the real situation of the rural and urban poor were expressed in the leaders’ speeches, Bro. Salvic noted, “PGMA’s speech claiming that the Philippines will soon be a First World country is obviously far from the realities of deepening poverty suffered by the people.”

While GMA delivered her speech, the urban poor jeered at her when she reported that the lives of the poor became better these past days. Mang Macario stated that his family remains poor and jobless.

Among the religious who joined the SONA rally were first-timers like Sr. Hilda Binyahan of the Missionary Sisters of our Lady of the Angelus. Sr. Hilda admitted that at first she was distracted by the chanting and jeering of the rallyists but later realized that the people were indeed crying out for legitimate grievances against perennial government neglect and corruption. Reflecting that the church has a role to play in realizing a society where the fullness of life reigns, Sr. Hilda noted, “I believe that there is still hope for this nation if the people will tirelessly work for truth, peace and justice.”

Brother RJ Abada of Order of Friar Minors also shared the sentiment of Sr Hilda. There is a challenge for conscientization of the Church people. With the human rights situation worsening under this regime, there is a need to toughen their stance on issues of political killings and repression. This can be achieved by re-activating the Justice and Peace Ministry among the Religious and strengthen the church-based human rights ministries.

“I am greatly humbled and challenged when we are with the masses in their struggles and aspirations,” Bro. Bong Caberte, a first year Theo from MSC said of the SONA rally.

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