Wednesday, April 28, 2010

JPIC Vision-Mission-Goal

A society where genuine freedom, justice and peace for all living beings bring to defend and uphold for the struggle of the fullness of our human dignity and the integrity of God’s creation are realized.

We the Titus Brandsma Commissariat, in the Spirit of our prophetic tradition and Carmelite charism, shall endeavor to journey with the struggling poor towards transformation. This we do by promoting the Christian praxis of defending and promoting people’s rights and integrity of God’s creation.
To have an intent searching and understanding of the causes of injustices and disquiet in our world through the eyes of the poor, through the eyes of God.
To enliven and respond to the challenge of the order’s prophetic charism in this contemporary globalizing world.
To contribute to the search of an understanding of the causes of the injustice and disquiet in our world through the eyes of the poor, through the eyes of God.
To prioritize the most relevant responses in addressing the causes of injustice and disquiet.
To be concretely in solidarity with the “minores” as we may identify though the ongoing social analysis in our historical setting now.
To foster unity and coordination among the different ministries in our centers in promoting JPIC work.
To assist the poor in restoring faith in themselves by
promoting and renewing their awareness that God is on their side.
To immerse ourselves together with our co-workers in parish, schools and other ministries in the circumstances of the poor in order to cleanse, nourish, refresh, invigorate our spirituality and also to be able to re-read the bible to discover the real face of Jesus.
To promote regular reflections and contemplations as sustaining power of our commitment to the “minores”
To form solidarity links all who work for the vision of the well-being, fullness of life such as non-governmental organizations, people’s organization ,interfaith movements, diocesan JPIC’s and international associations of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation and other organizations and movements.

To be vigilant, expose and oppose all ill effects of globalization and participate in the search for alternatives.

To regularly share with one another in the four centers our successes, even the smallest traces of vitality, our failures and new insights.

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