Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Come let us walk in the light of the Lord!” (Isaiah 2:5).

Let us then throw off the works of darkness and

put the armor of light…Rom. 13:11)

As we prepare and celebrate the season of Advent, we are invited to be awake and prepared. Advent means, “coming or arrival,” thus we must be ready to receive the message of God’s coming through the Messiah. We need advent to remind us that justice and peace will be achieved in the future amid the signs of the times.

The Order of Carmelites Justice and Peace and Integrity of Creation shares the call of prophet Isaiah and Apostle Paul “that people will come together in the Lord’s name. Wars will cease and there will be peace.

We respond to this challenge as we face the darkness brought by the glaring issues of large-scale corruption, human rights crisis and economic plunder that still await truthful and just resolution.

We lament the death of poor 11-year-old Marianet Amper who ended her life by hanging because of extreme poverty. We are scandalized by the wave of corruption and bribery, including the anomalous NBN- ZTE deal and distribution of “early Christmas gifts” to win over the loyalty of congressmen and governors for the administration. The multi-million anomalies leave our people ever more dispossessed, including the 728 million fertilizer scam, the $2-million Impsa power plant pay-off, the P28-billion Northrail project, the P200-million Jose Pidal bank account, the P1.3-billion Mega Pacific Comelec computerization scam, and the P1.1-billion Macapagal Boulevard overpriced contract.

While prices of basic commodities steadily increase, no substantial wage and salary hikes have been implemented and excessive taxes continue to burden the poor. While disasters and ever deepening poverty continues to grip the nation, Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and several administration lawmakers together with their families are spending public funds for their trip abroad.

We join the cries for justice for all the victims of extra-judicial killings, enforced disappearances and other human rights violations, the Glorietta and Batasan bombings and massive militarization that brought massive displacement to civilian communities.

Guided by our Carmelite Constitutions 111: “We live in a world full of injustice and disquiet. It is our duty to contribute to the search for an understanding of the causes of these evils.”

The morally bankrupt regime that has governed with fraud and violence is clearly the cause of evils in our nation today. We thus join the Filipino people in the pursuit of truth and justice. To save our people from the dark powers of this corrupt-ridden administration, for the good of the nation, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo must step down now!

Fr. Jerry Sabado, O.Carm. –National Convenor Order of Carmelites-JPIC

#26 Acacia St., Barangay Mariana, Quezon City

Phone (02)724-2371/ Cell no. 09066500319

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